Monday, November 7, 2011

International Maritime Shipping: The Impact of Globalisation on Activity Levels(PART II)

assalamualaikum readers :)

Lets read the continuity from my previous post. Hope all of you will like it.

Mode share in freight transport can be measured in several ways, but a common metric is in terms of the work done in cargo tonne-kilometres (tkm). The European Union and the United States have similar mode shares for trucking, about 40% to 45% of total freight transport work (Environmental Protection Agency, 2005a; European Commission et al., 2006b). However, it is important to note that European waterborne freight (inland river and shortsea combined) is second in mode share, moving about 40% to 44% of the cargo tkm in recent years (European Commission et al., 2006a; European Commission et al.,2006b). In the United States, rail freight tkm is slightly greater than road freight. Moreover, these statistics ignore seaborne trade which accounts for about 40 000 giga-tkm (one Gtkm= 109 tkm) of cargo movement among all trading nations from distances outside the domains from which national statistics are reported. Figure 3.2 summarises mode share comparisons in the US for 2005.

Figure 3.2. Comparison of demand and carbon emissions by freight-mode share
for the US

Note: Units are on a log scale.
Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics (2007); Energy Information Administration (2007).
(sorry if the picture is not clear)

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