Sunday, December 4, 2011

Did You Know?

Hello Readers :)

The WHO estimated the number of road fatalities at 1.2 million in 1999. Further research showed that this is probably an overestimation (Jacobs and Aeron-Thomas, 2000). They estimated the number of fatalities worldwide at 750 000 to 880 000 in 1999, and the number of people injured by road accidents at 23 to 34 million per year.

It is very difficult to make forecasts for these global figures. In Europe, the number of fatalities is rapidly decreasing (from about 71 000 in 1990 to 41 000 in 2005). However, in other parts of the world, transport growth may well exceed the effect of vehicle and traffic safety improvements. The number of victims from rail transport accidents is much smaller than for road. In the European Union, 105 people were killed in rail accidents in 2004, which was about 0.2% of the number of fatalities in road accidents.

Source: Globalisation, Transport and Environment Book

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